Part L 2021 Building Use Types
Sometimes it’s not always clear which NCM internal conditions correspond to each of the Building Use Types listed in the BRUKL document. This table lists them all out, clearly.
These categories are the categories assigned by the BRUKL generator version, in conjunction with the 6.1.b internal conditions.

Retail/Financial and Professional Services
- A1A2_CarPark
- A1A2_Circulation
- A1A2_DepStoreSales
- A1A2_DepStoreSalesChill
- A1A2_DepStoreSalesElectric
- A1A2_Display
- A1A2_EatDrink
- A1A2_FoodPrep
- A1A2_Laund
- A1A2_Office
- A1A2_Plant
- A1A2_RetWareSales
- A1A2_RetWareSalesChill
- A1A2_RetWareSalesElectric
- A1A2_Sales
- A1A2_SalesChill
- A1A2_SalesElectric
- A1A2_Store
- A1A2_Toilet
Restaurants and Cafes/Drinking Establishments/Takeaways
- A345_Circulation
- A345_EatDrink
- A345_FoodPrep
- A345_Office
- A345_Plant
- A345_Stage
- A345_Store
- A345_Toilet
Offices and Workshop Businesses
- B1_CarPark
- B1_Changing
- B1_Circulation
- B1_EatDrink
- B1_FoodPrep
- B1_Gym
- B1_Office
- B1_Plant
- B1_Reception
- B1_Store
- B1_Toilet
- B1_WkshpSS
- C1_Bath
- C1_Bedroom
- C1_Changing
- C1_Circulation
- C1_DrySptHall
- C1_EatDrink
- C1_EnsuiteBedroom
- C1_FitGym
- C1_FoodPrep
- C1_Laund
- C1_Office
- C1_Plant
- C1_Reception
- C1_Store
- C1_Toilet
Residential Institutions: Residential Schools
- C2_Schools_Bath
- C2_Schools_Bedroom
- C2_Schools_Changing
- C2_Schools_Circulation
- C2_Schools_CommunalArea
- C2_Schools_DrySptHall
- C2_Schools_EatDrink
- C2_Schools_FoodPrep
- C2_Schools_HighDensIT
- C2_Schools_Lab
- C2_Schools_Laund
- C2_Schools_Lecture
- C2_Schools_Office
- C2_Schools_Plant
- C2_Schools_Reception
- C2_Schools_Store
- C2_Schools_Teaching
- C2_Schools_Toilet
- C2_Schools_WkshpSS
Residential Institutions: Universities and Colleges
- C2_Uni_Bath
- C2_Uni_Bed
- C2_Uni_Changing
- C2_Uni_Circulation
- C2_Uni_CommunalArea
- C2_Uni_DrySptHall
- C2_Uni_EatDrink
- C2_Uni_FitGym
- C2_Uni_FoodPrep
- C2_Uni_HighDensIT
- C2_Uni_Lab
- C2_Uni_Laund
- C2_Uni_Lecture
- C2_Uni_Office
- C2_Uni_Plant
- C2_Uni_Reception
- C2_Uni_Store
- C2_Uni_Tea
- C2_Uni_Toilet
- C2_Uni_WkshpSS
Others: Car Parks 24 hrs
- CarPark_CarPark
- CarPark_Circulation
- CarPark_Office
- CarPark_Plant
- CarPark_Toilet
Non-residential Institutions: Crown and County Courts
- Court_Cell
- Court_Circulation
- Court_EatDrink
- Court_FoodPrep
- Court_Lecture
- Court_Office
- Court_Plant
- Court_Reception
- Court_Store
- Court_Toilet
Non-residential Institutions: Education
- D1_Edu_Changing
- D1_Edu_Circulation
- D1_Edu_DrySptHall
- D1_Edu_EatDrink
- D1_Edu_FoodPrep
- D1_Edu_HighDensIT
- D1_Edu_Lab
- D1_Edu_Lecture
- D1_Edu_Office
- D1_Edu_Plant
- D1_Edu_Reception
- D1_Edu_Store
- D1_Edu_Teaching
- D1_Edu_Toilet
- D1_Edu_WkshpSS
General Assembly and Leisure, Night Clubs, and Theatres
- D2_Auditoria
- D2_Changing_High
- D2_Changing_Low
- D2_Changing_Medium
- D2_Circulation
- D2_CirculationPub
- D2_DrySptHall
- D2_EatDrink
- D2_FitGym
- D2_FitStud
- D2_IceRink
- D2_Laund
- D2_Lecture
- D2_Office
- D2_Plant
- D2_Reception
- D2_Sales
- D2_Stage
- D2_Store
- D2_Toilet
- D2_WkshpSS
Non-residential Institutions: Community/Day Centre
- DayCtr_Changing
- DayCtr_Circulation
- DayCtr_DrySptHall
- DayCtr_EatDrink
- DayCtr_FoodPrep
- DayCtr_Lecture
- DayCtr_Office
- DayCtr_Plant
- DayCtr_Reception
- DayCtr_Store
- DayCtr_Toilet
- DayCtr_WkshpSS
Residential Spaces
- Dwell_DomBath
- Dwell_DomCirculation
- Dwell_DomCommonAreas
- Dwell_DomDining
- Dwell_DomKitchen
- Dwell_DomLounge
- Dwell_DomToilet
Others: Emergency Services
- EmgcySvc_Bath
- EmgcySvc_Bed
- EmgcySvc_Cell
- EmgcySvc_Circulation
- EmgcySvc_DrySptHall
- EmgcySvc_EatDrink
- EmgcySvc_FitGym
- EmgcySvc_FoodPrep
- EmgcySvc_Office
- EmgcySvc_Plant
- EmgcySvc_Reception
- EmgcySvc_Store
- EmgcySvc_Toilet
Residential Institutions: Hospitals and Care Homes
- Hosp_AECons
- Hosp_Bath
- Hosp_Bed
- Hosp_Bed_24x7
- Hosp_Changing
- Hosp_Circulation
- Hosp_CirculationPub
- Hosp_ClassRm
- Hosp_Diagnostic
- Hosp_EatDrink
- Hosp_FoodPrep
- Hosp_IndProcess
- Hosp_Lab
- Hosp_Laund
- Hosp_Lecture
- Hosp_Office
- Hosp_OpTheatre
- Hosp_Physiotherapy
- Hosp_Plant
- Hosp_PostMortem
- Hosp_Reception
- Hosp_Store
- Hosp_Toilet
- Hosp_Wards
General Industrial and Special Industrial Groups
- Indust_Circulation
- Indust_EatDrink
- Indust_FoodPrep
- Indust_IndProcess
- Indust_Lab
- Indust_Office
- Indust_Plant
- Indust_Reception
- Indust_Store
- Indust_Toilet
- Indust_WareStore
Non-residential Institutions: Libraries, Museums, and Galleries
- LibMusGall_Circulation
- LibMusGall_DisplayPublic
- LibMusGall_EatDrink
- LibMusGall_FoodPrep
- LibMusGall_Lab
- LibMusGall_Lecture
- LibMusGall_Office
- LibMusGall_Plant
- LibMusGall_Reception
- LibMusGall_Store
- LibMusGall_Toilet
- LibMusGall_WkshpSS
Others: Miscellaneous 24hr Activities
- Misc24Hr_DataCentre
- Misc24Hr_HeavyPlant
- Misc24Hr_ServerRoom
- Misc_24x7Office
- Misc_24x7Toilet
Secure Residential Institutions
- Prison_Bath
- Prison_Cell
- Prison_Changing
- Prison_Circulation
- Prison_ClassRm
- Prison_DrySptHall
- Prison_EatDrink
- Prison_FitGym
- Prison_FoodPrep
- Prison_Laund
- Prison_Lecture
- Prison_Office
- Prison_Plant
- Prison_Reception
- Prison_Store
- Prison_Toilet
- Prison_WkshpSS
Non-residential Institutions: Primary Health Care Building
- PrmHlthCare_Circulation
- PrmHlthCare_Office
- PrmHlthCare_Plant
- PrmHlthCare_Reception
- PrmHlthCare_Store
- PrmHlthCare_Toilet
Others: Stand Alone Utility Block
- Stand_Changing_High
- Stand_Changing_Low
- Stand_Changing_Medium
Others: Passenger Terminals
- Terminals_Checkin
- Terminals_Office
- Terminal_Circulation
- Terminal_EatDrink
- Terminal_FoodPrep
- Terminal_Lounges
- Terminal_Plant
- Terminal_Reception
- Terminal_Store
- Terminal_Toilet
- Terminal_WaitRm
Storage or Distribution
- Ware_24x7Office
- Ware_24x7WareStore
- Ware_Changing
- Ware_Circulation
- Ware_EatDrink
- Ware_FoodPrep
- Ware_Office
- Ware_Plant
- Ware_Reception
- Ware_Store
- Ware_Toilet
- Ware_WareStore